Global challenges and the G7

Global challenges and the G7
October 2023 — 8:00AM TO 9:15AM
Anonymous (not verified)
26 September 2023
Chatham House

In conversation with Mr Keiichi Ono, Senior Deputy Minister of Japan. 

The world faces the cumulation of unprecedented shocks including the pandemic, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the global inflation surge, extreme weather events caused by climate change, and rising geopolitical tensions.

Against this background, the G7 Summit in May demonstrated a high degree of unity. Under Japan’s leadership, the seven rich democracies, representing 30 per cent of global GDP, made progress across an ambitious agenda ranging from strengthening support for Ukraine to boosting economic resilience and security, to showing the developing world that the group is ready to respond to its needs through action on food security, infrastructure, and reform of the multilateral development banks.

At this round table discussion, Mr Keiichi Ono who is also Japan’s G7 acting Sherpa, will discuss the outcomes of Japan’s G7 presidency and the group’s future ambitions in such areas as the digital economy and AI, relations with China, strengthening economic security, and relations with the G20.

Questions for discussion will include:

  • What does Japan hope the legacy of its presidency will be?

  • How is the role of G7 evolving in the face of multiple crises and an increasingly multi-polar world?

  • What does Japan believe the group should seek to achieve in the coming years?

This event will be held under the Chatham House Rule.

Source: Chathamhouse Events