Myths versus reality: small boats, migration and the European Court of Human Rights

Myths versus reality: small boats, migration and the European Court of Human Rights
October 2023 — 5:30PM TO 6:30PM
Anonymous (not verified)
2 October 2023
Chatham House and Online

Experts fact-check and analyse the implications of leaving the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) and what it would mean for the UK’s place in the world.

Amid a brewing election and an upcoming court case before the UK Supreme Court, the issue of illegal migration continues to dominate news cycles and political agendas in the UK. To reinforce this point, tackling ‘small boats’ remains one the prime minister’s five priorities.   

At this event, experts will put the Supreme Court case into context and discuss:

  • The current challenges for the UK’s policy on combatting illegal migration and possible solutions.

  • The significance of the upcoming Supreme Court case.

  • The role of the ECHR.

  • The potential implications of the UK leaving on its global position.

As with all member events, questions from the audience drive the conversation.

Source: Chathamhouse Events