Fostering inclusive health systems amidst geopolitical instability
October 2024 — 9:00AM TO 10:00AM
Anonymous (not verified)
11 September 2024
Sheraton Berlin Grand Hotel Esplanade
How can we build trust and inclusivity in the health sector in a fractured geopolitical environment?
Building trust in government, service provision and delivery are crucial considerations for policymakers who aim to make local, national and international health systems more inclusive. In the health space, trust can be a matter of life and death. Understanding and modulating policies that account for the trust factor, alongside the geopolitical determinants of health, can lead to more inclusive decision making and thus better health outcomes for larger proportions of a population.
International unity is key to addressing the challenges posed by geopolitical instability, which include disinformation campaigns, rising nationalism and growing divisions between states. If countries can find common ground through an inclusive approach to health, the effects could be transformative in achieving global health and equity targets.
This discussion, held in partnership with Haleon, will examine what it takes to foster trust and resilience in the health sector, achieve global inclusivity aims and chart a path for the public and private spheres to come together to navigate a fractured geopolitical environment.
- In what ways can localised health inclusivity data help policymakers to alleviate gaps in healthcare provision and why is this an essential element in instilling trust across the system?
- What role should multilateral organizations play in setting precedents for health inclusivity around the world?
- How do health inclusivity policies empower the service user and help reduce the burden placed on public healthcare systems?
- How can the health sector come together to ensure individuals are included within their own health decisions, are able to access services regardless of demographics and geography and trust their healthcare providers?
Source: Chathamhouse Events