Claudia Weill on 1970s Hollywood sleaze: ‘They’d never seen a woman direct’

Her debut film Girlfriends is required watching if you want to work with Lena Dunham. What made it so groundbreaking? And why did she not make more? As the cult classic returns, Weill looks back

Claudia Weill’s career as a director of feature films lasted just two years but she had an enormous impact. Girlfriends, her 1978 debut about two young female New Yorkers being pulled in different directions was a tiny independent film, but its influence has been rippling out ever since, detectable most notably in the work of Greta Gerwig and Lena Dunham.

“It’s only a joy,” says Weill, of seeing others pick up where she left off. “We all inspire each other.” Weill certainly thinks Frances Ha, which starred and was co-written by Greta Gerwig, took some inspiration from Girlfriends. “But it was a completely different film,” she adds, “and women’s friendships are a big subject.”

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Source: The Guardian