Speed camera app developers face abuse from UK drivers

Speedcam Anywhere allows anyone to submit evidence of drivers speeding

The developers of a new app that uses AI to estimate the speed of a passing car say they have been forced into anonymity by the vicious response from drivers.

The app, Speedcam Anywhere, is the product of a team of AI scientists with backgrounds in Silicon Valley companies and top UK universities. Its creators hope it will encourage police to take speeding more seriously and enable residents, pedestrians and cyclists to document traffic crimes in their area.

A user of the app opens it when they hear a speeding car approaching and films the car passing.

The app uses the number plate of the passing car to search the DVLA’s public registration database to find the make and model of the car.

From there, it determines the distance between the axles of the car, and compares it with the footage to calculate the speed.

The user then has the option of saving the video, or generating a report from it to share with the authorities.

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Source: The Guardian