Australia Covid live news update: 98 cases in NSW announced by Gladys Berejiklian; Victoria to remain in lockdown after 13 new cases, Dan Andrews says

NSW records 98 local cases overnight, with 24 patients now in intensive care; Victorian cases hit construction industry; 1m Pfizer vaccine doses arrive in Australia. Follow the latest updates live

3.59am BST

Returning to NSW for a moment, the TikTok comedian who has been accurately predicting case numbers for a couple of days now, has released a “press release” as the “people’s premier”:

3.55am BST

During both the NSW and Victorian Covid updates, the South Australian government has also been giving its update, and has announced a single locally acquired case.

An 81-year old man who had previously travelled to Argentina, returning to Australia via NSW and did two weeks of quarantine there. While in quarantine he had a fall and spent ten days in a NSW hospital, returning to South Australia on July 8.

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Source: The Guardian