Russia-Ukraine war live: Ukraine reports advances in east and south; Erdoğan tells Kyiv to soften stance on Black Sea grain deal

Ukraine’s deputy defence minister says Kyiv’s forces have retaken three square km of land in the past week around Bakhmut

The abduction of Ukrainian children and their subsequent transportation to Russia is being investigated as potential genocide by an independent international commission of inquiry on Ukraine.

Chairman Erik Møse told a press conference on Monday that the commission is trying to establish what has happened to the children once they enter occupied territory or Russia itself.

In order to find that there is such a genocidal act with respect to the transfer of children, you would have to know exactly what is happening further on in the Russian Federation.

We have limited access to this and the information we are receiving is not always the same.

We receive some information from persons who have been able to reach from Ukrainian parents who have been able to go either into the occupied territories or even into Russia to retrieve their children or grandchildren and that gives an indication.

We will pursue these investigations and see whether, as a whole, there is an intent to destroy a group and these are the strict qualifications under the genocide convention. As of now, we have no such conclusion and our work continues.

I have submitted my letter of resignation to Ruslan Stefanchuk, Chairman of the Parliament of Ukraine.

It was an honor to serve the Ukrainian people and work for the #UAarmy for the last 22 months, the toughest period of Ukraine’s modern history.

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Source: The Guardian