Australia news live: Morrison speaks to media as aged care royal commission report released – follow live

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3.03am GMT

Hunt say the government will adopt the commission’s recommendation to extend the viability supplement as an interim measure. He says “there will be a long-term solution to that issue set out in the budget”.

He says the government will “make available immediately for 18,000 places to supplement those which have already been brought in for new home care and residential care workers to be trained because if we can lift those numbers, we lift the places that we offer. And that is a critical step forward and then finally in terms of governance”.

3.00am GMT

Hunt is now getting into some of the detail of what the government proposes to do in the sector on receipt of the report.

On home care, the government will immediately act on transparency of fees and commence an audit program of more than 500 facilities a year. He says the government will also implement a new quality control system within home care.

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Source: The Guardian