Australia news live: Scott Morrison defends criminalising people who return from India; over-50s eligible for Covid vaccine

WA considers longer-term mask measures as contact tracers work through the movements of three men who tested positive for coronavirus in Perth on Saturday. Follow latest updates

3.38am BST

Linda Reynolds has declined to answer questions about the “lying cow” comment that led her to apologise and reach a settlement with Brittany Higgins.

Facing parliament for the first time since she took medical leave, Reynolds, now the NDIS and government services minister, told a Senate estimates hearing that discussing the matter could “potentially compromise” ongoing investigations by the Australian federal police.

3.26am BST

Australia’s foreign minister, Marise Payne, is about to fly to London, Geneva and Washington over the next fortnight.

The trip’s Washington leg will represent the Australian government’s first ministerial, in-person consultations with the Biden administration, she said.

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Source: The Guardian