Boris Johnson accuses Rishi Sunak of ‘talking rubbish’ about his resignation honours list – UK politics live

Johnson says PM did not need to overrule Lords’ appointment committee but could have asked to renew vetting process of his appointees

The EU has dashed UK hopes of an early review of the Brexit trade deal saying is unlikely to re-open talks until 2026.

European commission vice-president Maroš Šefčovič, who leads for the EU on Brexit matters, said the deal was only in force for two years and it would be pointless re-opening it until its full potential was realised.

If the decision is just to simply go for more divergence … some of the fundamentals of the withdrawal agreement and the TCA would be thrown into the shredder.

Rishi secretly blocked the peerages for Nadine and others. He refused to ask for them to undergo basic checks that could have taken only a few weeks or even days. That is how he kept them off the list – without telling Boris Johnson.

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Source: The Guardian