US Senate passes stopgap measure to avert government shutdown – live

The “Freedom Convoy” of trucks, which began as a protest against a government vaccination mandate and grew into a wildly disruptive demonstration that included all manner of political grievances, has drawn praise and support for some of the leading conservative figures in the US.

Donald Trump hailed the Canadian truckers and said “we are with them all the way.” Fox News’ Sean Hannity has provided viewers with nearly wall-to-wall coverage of the protests. On -air he called the truckers “brave” and sent his “solidarity, love and support.” Texas senator Ted Cruz hailed them as “heroes” while Kentucky senator Rand Paul urged them to drive south and “clog up” US cities.

Draft legislation from DeSantis – seen by many as the leading heir to Donald Trump – was even more draconian. He initially sought to extend “stand-your-ground” laws that would have granted legal immunity to drivers claiming to have unintentionally killed or injured protesters disrupting traffic.

Yet DeSantis has thrown his support behind conservative trucker convoys using similar tactics to protest against vaccine mandates that for weeks have blocked roads between Canada and the US, stalling trade between the two nations and leading to disruptions to the global supply chain. He also announced Florida’s attorney general would investigate GoFundMe after it dropped the page for donations to Canadian truckers.

A police drone hovered overhead as the officers, some carrying automatic weapons and dressed in helmets and grey fatigues, moved in on the camp.

Canada was warned before protests that violent extremists infiltrated convoyRead more

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Source: The Guardian